Tagebuch eines Technikers

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Howto install BibLaTeX with MikTex

I recently found a pointer to BibLaTeX, a reimplementation of the bibliographic capabilities of LaTeX. It is still in beta stage
MikTeX 2.7, BibLaTeX 0.8h
  1. Download BibLaTeX.
  2. Create a folder named local-texmf (or choose a different name, it doesn't matter) somewhere on your hard drive. This folder will be used to install biblatex.
  3. Create a folder named local-texmf/tex/latex/biblatex. Unzip the contents of the latex-subdirectory of biblatex package into this folder.
  4. Create a folder named local-texmf/doc/latex/biblatex/. Unzip the documentation into this folder.
  5. Extract the remaining folders of the zip package into local-texmf.
  6. Open the "Settings"-window of MikTeX and choose add your folder as root. You might need admin rights for this.
  7. Open the "Settings"-window and choose "Refresh FNDB"
That's it. Now you can use BibLaTeX!